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#OneActionOneTree Games Series

#OneActionOneTree Games Series
May 28, 2021

SIAPDARLING - Due to the pandemic restrictions in Indonesia since early 2020, many outdoor environmental activities were temporarily halted. So, how can we keep the environmental awareness spirit alive amid adapting to these new habits?

Initiated by Bakti Lingkungan Djarum Foundation, #SiapDarling is back to prepare new surprises for the young generation who want to contribute to caring for the environment in the most popular and easy ways. #SiapDarling realizes the need to keep the young generation’s passion and commitment to protecting the environment.

For this reason, #SiapDarling launched #OneActionOneTree, an Aksi Sadar Lingkungan (#AksiDarling) program that invites the young generation and everyone else to show their actions to save the environment. In each action, one tree will be planted.

#OneActionOneTree Games are part of #OneActionOneTree event, which collects support via social media for planting 5,000 trees on Patiayam Mountain-Kudus on the Indonesian Tree Planting Day (November 28, 2020). Register yourself if you are interested. You will have a blast getting to know the environment and getting a chance to win prizes worth millions of rupiahs in these #OneActionOneTree Games!

How to Join #OneActionOneTree Games:

  1. Register Yourself to be a Darling Squad member + Join the Event of #OneActionOneTree Games;
  2. Prepare your device (notebook/laptop/smartphone) with Zoom installed; and
  3. Join the WhatsApp group for #SiapDarling team coordination.

Easy, right? With #SiapDarling, let’s get ready to be eco-aware and unite with other young people to show our #AksiDaring. Because no one can make a difference alone.

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