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What is Siap Darling?

Bakti Lingkungan Djarum Foundation launched Siap Darling movement via social media in November 2018. This movement targets millennials to spread positive contents about caring for the environment and saving the planet. It encourages them to not only become an environmentally conscious generation but also take real actions. With “Do What We Love to Save the Environment” as its slogan, Siap Darling is created to engage the millennials in saving the environment in their own unique ways.

Why Siap Darling?
To Inform
SiapDarling spreads positive and inspiring news about the environment in interesting and engaging ways.
To Engage
SiapDarling spreads positive and inspiring news about the environment in interesting and engaging ways.
To Involve
SiapDarling allows us to learn to foster relations, interact, and collaborate to save the earth.
Darling Story
Mainan Dari Sampah Plastik
Darling Sampah
Darling Inspirasi
16 Jun 2024
Tonggeret Bernyanyi, Tanda Kemarau Tiba?
Berita Darling
Darling Fauna
09 Jun 2024
Hutan Hujan Indonesia No. 3 Dunia
Darling Tanaman
Berita Darling
30 Jun 2024
Pintu Masuk Kerajaan Majapahit
Berita Darling
28 Jun 2024
Darling Action
KOPDAR Mangrove Mangkang, Semarang
Location:Mangkang - Semarang
Remaining Seats : 65
KOPDAR: Kopi Darling - Kali Gelis
Remaining Seats : 38
KOPDAR: Kopi Darling - Ciliwung River & Bhumi Living Space, Bogor
Location:Delta 15 Sungai Ciliwung & Bhumi Living Space
Remaining Seats : 4
We Are Darling Squad
Hi darlings, after a long time #siadarling has been on the air as a social movement via social media, it doesn't feel right if it's just a social movement but doesn't have troops who have the enthusiasm and vision and mission to move on together from the habit of ignoring the environment to being environmentally aware aka #SiapDarling.
Darling Squad is a pretty cool name for those of you who want to join and collaborate in ACTION together, ready to be Darling.
Collaborative program Our action is to help preserve temple sites throughout Indonesia through the Candi Darling event, aka Environmentally Aware Temple! Apart from preserving Indonesian historical icons, Siap Darling is also committed to making the area around the temples sustainable so that you don't get bored visiting temples in Indonesia.
Apart from that, #DarlingSquad can be a really cool place to share new information and insights about your concern for the environment.
Image 1 dase en
Valentinus Darlingsquad  en
Sanata Dharma
Agista Darlingsquad en