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Webinar #OneActionOneTree : Olah Sampah Biar Gak Jadi Masalah (Let’s Manage Your Waste to Reduce Your Problems)

Webinar #OneActionOneTree : Olah Sampah Biar Gak Jadi Masalah (Let’s Manage Your Waste to Reduce Your Problems)
Feb 23, 2022

In celebration of National Waste Awareness Day, Siap Darling will hold a webinar to discuss waste and its management. It will be hosted by fun-loving speakers Olyvia Jesso from The Mulung and Rendy from Parongpong. We will discuss about waste to shift our mindset in how we perceive it.

This webinar is also part of the One Action One Tree campaign, which involves collecting saplings in the Patiayam Mountains and Muria Hills in Kudus.

In addition to obtaining an e-certificate, participating in this event also entitles you to receive five tree saplings.

Join in right away!

Location:Dari Rumah Kalian Masing-Masing
Remaining Seats:0